Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Show Must Go On!

Just in case you didn't hear enough about 'Jon and Kate Plus 8', there is new news buzzing around. On November 2, Jon Gosselin and his diamond stud earrings will NO LONGER be appearing on the show. The show will still air, but change its name to 'Kate Plus 8'.

There are even more rumors running around saying that this will be the last season of the show, due to their poor ratings since the couple spilt.

If this #1 Dad thinks this move will help get his name out of the buzz, think AGAIN!

PS. shout out to PHIL, my future husband, and also the designer of my snazzy new banner.
picture from google images


  1. Oh how I miss the old JK8 days during the first couple seasons. They were such a cute family, it's so sad to see all of this happen.

  2. This topic always upsets me. I have to say I LOVE to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 or should I say “Kate Plus 8”. I use to watch it for the kids (as they are hilarious to watch) but now the show has surrounded Jon and Kate’s lives. Watch this video as you can see it is all about Jon (I’m glad someone has called him out on it):
