Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reality Check

MTV is at again with a new reality show on the market. (and no its not Laguna Beach.. tear)

Peak Season is MTV’s next true-life series which will follow a group of young hotties who are working and living at a resort in beautiful Whistler. The season will be full of DRAMA!

The first few episodes have already aired and since I’m a HUGE reality TV junky, I’m already hooked to the show.

If you liked Laguna you’ll love this… same thing but with snow. Give it a look....


  1. What a coincidence when i'm drunk, I too always forget that I have a lady friend.

  2. I love how this show is so Canadian...and real!
    Like in the Hills, they are going out to all these fancy clubs and having booths and bottle service. Where as on peak season you see a solid predrink, and then they go to a bar where people are in jeans! hahahah

  3. let's go to whistler... maybe we can get a cameo

  4. word on the street is that one of the characters went to WESTERN.
